Peridot gemstone

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Physical properties of peridot

Hardness: 6.5-7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale
Luster: glass
Transparency: transparent
Color: yellow green, emerald green, olive green, dark green with a golden hue

Characteristics of peridot

Peridot (olivine, chrysolite) is actually a variety of the mineral olivine (the name "olivine" is due to the fact that the color of olivine resembles olives). Basically, only two varieties of olivine are suitable for jewelry work - chrysolite and peridot. Yes, now chrysolites are put into a separate category, but some sources still believe that peridot and chrysolite are the same gemstone.

Peridot. Gemstone. Faceted peridots, peridot ring

The word "peridot" itself is most often used by German and English mineralogists, but what the word itself means is still a mystery.

Peridots are green, golden green and dark yellow olivine crystals that are suitable for jewelry processing. Peridot is not a very expensive stone, but it looks very elegant and beautiful. Green varieties of peridot are very similar to emeralds and chrysoberyls.

A special difference of peridot, noticeable even to the ordinary eye, is double refraction.

There are also peridots with asterism (starry) and cat's eye effects. Such peridots are less common and, accordingly, their prices are higher.

How much is peridot

Prices for peridot are very low as peridot is rarely found that can be used for jewelry. Very small peridots can be purchased for 3-5 dollars per string of beads. Rings with large peridots will cost more - $ 20-25, depending on the quality and size of the cut stone. But large stones are a rarity, mostly medium-sized peridots go on sale, the price of which rarely exceeds $ 4-6.

Onyx gemstone
See also: Verdelite gemstone
Citrine gemstone

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